Sunday, August 6, 2017


Here And Gone by Haylen Back (2017)    Nothing, but nothing beats a lazy summer weekend with a juicy, can't-stop-reading thriller.......and this one kept us zipping through the pages at supersonic speed.....

            "Here And Gone"  starts with a premise beloved by both thriller and romance writers......a desperate young mother and her two children on the run from a physically abusive huband/father.......

           Near a town we might as well refer to as The-Middle-Of-Friggin'-Nowhere, Arizona, mom and kids get pulled over by a Sheriff for having the car overloaded......and thus begins a non-stop rollercoaster Hitchcockian ride of paranoia, profound evil, cringing suspense and the long expected explosive violence.....

            We won't spoil any of the plot details in this post......just dive into the book and see if we're not kidding about its ability to nail you down to your favorite reading nook until you're  finished it....

           Our "Author Who Kept Us Up All Night" award goes without question to Haylen Beck, a pen name for celebrated crime novelist Stuart Neville. Well.....whatever the hell his name is at any given moment, he crafted one of our best lazy summer weekend reads......we already can't wait for the movie.....

            BQ didn't require any brow-furrowing to arrive at a suitable rating for 'Here And Gone'......unquestionably 5 stars (*****), a FIND OF FINDS......sieze a copy ASAP, strap yourself in and enjoy......


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