Saturday, August 12, 2017


          So we've arrived at the moment that gave everyone sweat-drenched nightmares last year.....
......Baby Orange in control of the nuclear codes.......

Memo To MAGA red hat rally attendees......Google photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors....

Rex Tillerson  "Everybody can sleep well tonight......"    Breaking news, Rexie....nobody in their right mind has slept well since last November......

Baby Orange's "Fire And Fury"   Cause when the fate of millions of innocent civilians rests in your want to make up stuff as you go along.......

Baby Orange Tells the Guam President that tourism will boom   We don't know about the rest of you, but our idea of a dream vacation is not going to place where the government warns you against blinding yourself by looking directly into the nuclear fireball........not even if the Trivago guy says we can have the hotel room for 2 bucks a day and a free mini-bar......

White Nationalists marching in Virginia    Consider this as a Baby Orange side effect.....just like those ominous laundry lists of terrible things that will happen to you in the ads for medications....."Election of Baby Orange may lead to severe breakouts of racist cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork.....also hives, night sweats, unusual disturbing dreams...and nuclear annihilation...."

Baby Orange contemplates intervening in Venezuela......Memo to Baby Orange:.....even if you invade Brazil, Chile and the Bahamas.......Bob Mueller and the Grand Jury will still be at work......

Baby Orange attacks Yertle The Turtle, unleashes the Enquirer on Manafort....brilliant, brilliant strategy......first piss off the guy who's in charge of pushing your agenda......then have your favorite rag run a sex expose on the guy who can potentially serve you up to the Grand Jury like a Christmas turkey.......good thinkin'........

Jeffrey Lord & Sebastian Gorka   Memo To James Bond Movie Producers......don't waste time casting actors as loathsome SPECTRE minions, not when these guys are available......Lord especially has loads of free time now...

             Enough.....we can't go on. Pray for America.....pray for mankind and the world......

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