Friday, August 18, 2017


........managed to capture these tweets......evidently delivered in emotional turbulence....before they were deleted. The BQ is delighted to share them with you.....

Steve Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
Did not appreciate stories about millions of Americans bursting into song..."Ding Dong, The Bitch is Dead..."  #hurt-my-feelings #that,is, if I had any feelings

Steve Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
Go ahead and gloat.....but don't forget I fixed your asses good. No climate change a few years, you'll burn in hell right at your front door! You're welcome! #watch-that-iceberg-float-into-Miami

Steven Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
POTUS has no vision. Wouldn't sign off on my idea to replace the American Eagle with Pepe The Frog.....maybe talked out of it by Jewboy son-in-law? Sad.  #non-Aryan bastards

Steve Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
So sorry to leave WH, so much left undone.  Even after all my best efforts, still haven't torn USA completely apart. But not for lack of trying. #better-white-than-right

Steve Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
Who needs POTUS?  Scored new gig-will play villain the new James Bond film, neo-Nazi Ernst Stravro Blowjob....who can suck his own-you know the rest. #007-Versus-Dickhead

Steve Bannon
@GruppenFuhrer Bannon
Just heard. David Duke in tears. Don't blame him. To hell with healing the nation. Heil-ing is much more fun  #miss-me-yet?

.........a silent prayer for the White House maintenance staff......tasked with scrubbing and cleaning a trail of grey-ish, slug-like slime leading out of the building.....

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