Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Baby Orange planned Moscow Trump Tower..... "I don't have anything to do with Russia! It's all a ruse! Fake news!"........the original plans called for a personal gold-plated elevator to take Putin to the Penthouse suite.......he would get the elevator, America already got the shaft......

Baby Orange institutes Transgender military ban.....so let's make sure we understand this.....people who have it within them to summon up extraordinary courage, love of country and strength of character to serve in the U.S. armed forces are now banned by a vagina-grabbing, draft dodging coward who thinks POW's aren't heroes.....

Baby Orange grudgingly continues the Afghanistan war  Memo to Baby Orange and his Generals.....Baby Orange's good friends, the Russians, threw everything they had into their Afghan war....(they didn't have to worry about how much money it cost them or how many Russian soldiers they tossed into the meat grinder...)....and they still got their asses kicked......after 16 years, what would make you think this is going to end any better for us??

Sheriff Joe pardoned......There's a perfect symmetry here.....in that Baby Orange found his twin, his Doppelganger, his long lost brother from another mother.......another soulless, fascist thug with utter contempt for the rule of law.......two GruppenFuhrers bonding in their hatred of anyone who doesn't look like them......satanically perfect.

Baby Orange fires his rally organizer...... Poor guy, he couldn't fill the Phoenix hall with enough brain-dead Redhats who still haven't figured out that they're paying for the wall.......

Dr. Gorka kicked out of the White House......no doubt immediately moving on to his next gig, playing the new head of SPECTRE in the next Bond movie......type-cast again......

Taylor Swift & Katy Perry......Girls, girls....please stop fighting. You've so much in common.....you're like Siamese twins, joined at the ego......we appreciate how much you've taken self-absorption and congratulatory self-adulation to stratospheric levels.......now kiss and make up and jump in the hot tub with any random Kardashian.....

Reminder to Baby Orange on his trip to Texas.......please don't forget to check out those floating islands of colorful, red insects......stick your hand in one of 'em for a bigly photo op......

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