Saturday, August 5, 2017


.............pardon us while we wistfully recall the bygone days when we didn't have to question the sanity of the President.....

Baby Orange And The Boy Scout Phone Call     That must have come in from that special phone know the one, where you stick out your thumb and pinky while pressing your other fingers against your your hand looks like a receiver....

Baby Orange And The President Of Mexico    "Listen, you gotta stop saying you won't pay for the wall......for the last 2 years, I've told those morons at my rallies that you're paying for can't say you won't pay for're makin' me look dumb and weak......what'd ya say?  I am dumb and weak?  Yeh, I know.....but ya still gotta stop sayin' it....."

Steven Miller   Like Pennywise The Clown from "It".....Baby Orange's Jack-In-The-Box Fascist, popping out at you when you lease expect it.......

New Immigration Policy....Please have the following ready when your number is called, your Master's Degree in English Literature, B.S. in Electrical Engineering and prepared Shakespeare sonnet to recite aloud to the Immigration Officer......with feeling.

Fox News Host Sends Penis Pictures.....You mean...a Fox guy is literally a dickhead? Not exactly breaking news here......

Baby Orange At His Rally...."Do you see any Russians here?"   Memo to Baby Orange:  When you face the Grand Jury, none of them will be wearing MAGA baseball caps........

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