Wednesday, August 23, 2017


        Exclusive to the BQ......Baby Orange tweets right after his rally.....

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
Spent great weekend with Sheriff Joe. Helicopter, high powered rifles...
.....Immigrant hunting! #now-that-Dreamer's-really-dreaming

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
Gonna shut down Gov if they don't cough up for the Wall. Idiot redhats
don't even remember Mexico supposed to pay. Cool. #pathetic suckers

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
Healing nation? That's for losers. Can't you hear my crowds?
You want healing? Sig heal! #some-Nazis-good-people

Donald J.Trump
@GrumppenFuhrer Trumpf
Fake News did it again.  Fakers keep checking every single lie
I tell. Won't work! My people swallow all my shit! #Fifth Avenue shooting

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
John who? McWhats-his=face?  If the cancer eats half his brain, it'll knock
him down to my level at last. #serves-you-right-for-getting-captured

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
Fake Americans think I'm unhinged. Wrong. I'm so hinged, I can be hinged
as Lincoln, I'm awsomely hinged. Wanna see Korea glow in the dark? #crazy-for-the

Donald J. Trump
@GruppenFuhrer Trumpf
Hilary claims I breathed down her neck in debate. Had no choice. Her
pussy's too withered to grab. #can-believe-I'm-President

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