Monday, January 8, 2024



Trump thinks of jailed Jan. 6th rioters as "hostages"......"It's a total disgrace, " said the much indicted ex-President, "these innocent tourists were only exercising their constitutional right to beat cops with American flags  and try to hang Mike Pence.....those rights are guaranteed in one of the amendments....I can't remember which one right now b ut you can look it up...

Trump's lawyers file a motion to hold prosecutor Jack Smith 'in contempt'....Explained the attorneys for the ex-President, "He consistently goes out of his way to hurt our client's feelings, and cannot fail to grasp the simple fact that President Trump is a living God, personally brought down to Earth by Jesus...just ask any of his supporters.....

Trump leads in upcoming Iowa caucuses, with MAGA Trumpanzees perfectly okay with his Hitler-like pronouncements..."Hey, there's a lot to be said for fascism, " explained one Iowa Republican, "Don't they make the trains run on time? And ya gotta love how all the undesirables get rounded up and put in camps....and no one ever knows what happened to 'em! That's the kind of efficient government we're lookin' for...."

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