Tuesday, January 30, 2024


  Twenty Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate (2024)

       Even though these four terribly damaged souls aren't people I'd ever want to hang out with, their stories and fates gripped me for the entire length of this book.

        The story unfolds through the POVs of Dean, Becca, June and her brother Wyatt. While high school seniors, their futures all ahead of them, a tragic accident upends their lives, and thwarts their dreams, leaving some of them keepers of dark secrets.

         Grant, a high school golden boy football star drove home from a fateful drunken party with his sister Phoebe, an equally admired by everybody and also a scholastic overachiever. In the backseat of his truck sat Becca, whose passionate love of Dean, if revealed would enrage the all-controlling Phoebe. A fatal swerve of the truck on a dangerous bridge kills Phoebe, severely injures Becca. and cripples Dean, After ten years, he's still forever suspected  and despised for the mysterious 27 minutes it took him to finally call for an ambulance.
       Also deeply affected by the accident were the painfully introverted June and her beloved brother Wyatt, a notorious town bad boy who apparently fled their small town that very night.

      Ten years later, Dean, Becca, June and Wyatt's already shattered lives careen toward a planned memorial for the late lamented Phoebe, whom the town adored as their shining star and role model. And right on time, author Ashley Tate lets loose with everything you'd ever want in a thriller like this...... gut punching revelations combined with a double-beef whopper of a twist.

        Without a doubt, I found "Twenty Seven Minutes" as one of those can't-stop-reading, up-all-nighters that just won't let you go until every last secret gets laid bare. 5 stars (*****)  (But you'll never want an invite to these characters' high school reunion parties.....where the attendees might be asked to check their emotional baggage at the door.....)

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