Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 Inseminoid (a.k.a. Horrorplanet) 1981    And now let's return to one of BQ's favorite places to hang out......the sludge mines of exploitation cinema.....

              Once the world feasted on Ridley Scott's groundbreaking (and chest bursting) "Alien", life became very tough for cinematic space voyagers in low-budget sci-fi movies......

              Whenever these bickering crews toiled in the far reaches of the galaxy, you could bet your intestines they would encounter some goo-dripping alien entity whose one and only goal in life was ripping them to shreds......(and sometimes with the added bonus of using these human suckers to incubate their disgusting offspring.

              So now let to travel to a remote planet in the Middle-Of-Frickin'-Nowhere galaxy, where our designated victims are exploring the planet's caves. 

              Let's get to the good stuff.....which involves crew member Sandy (Judy Geeson) getting knocked up by an appropriately creepy alien......

              Poor Judy and poor crew members. Preggers with twin aliens, Judy's hormonal mood swings go off the rails in a hurry. Now she's super strong, pissed off, homicidal and seized with sudden cravings....but not for butter pecan ice cream or pickles.  Nope......our gal the Jud-inator's got a yen for blood and internal organs of her crewmates......ouch. 

             The rest of the movie's a gorehound's dream come true, as cute little Judy decimates the crew one by one, in all sorts of ultra-painful, blood soaking ways.....oh yum yum yummeee. 

             And I sincerely believe that no other movie in Judy Geeson's filmography ever offered her the unbridled opportunities she enjoys here. Non top shrieking, flesh munching, and wholesale slaughtering of the entire cast.  If you only remember her as the cutie-pie who boogaloo'd with Sidney Poitier in "To Sir With Love", you're either in for a shock or depending on your point of view, a delightful surprise.

             There's really nothing left to say about this movie, having already given you the gist and high points. It's prime either dive right in to the blood pool or don't go anywhere near it..

            For all sci-fi-horror fans, see it at least once.....3 stars (***). For mainstream viewers.......uh, well......look at that title're not likely to see Meryl Streep or Robert DeNiro....okay?

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