Tuesday, January 23, 2024


The Naked Jungle (1954)....We're not all that knowledgeable about all the historic events of 1954, but this much we can tell you......in Hollywood it was one hell of a year for ants. 

           In the spring of that year, Paramount rolled out this fast 'n pulpy adaptation of Carl Stephenson's famed short story, 'Leiningen Vs. The Ants'. It arrived courtesy of master fantasy-sci-fi producer George Pal and director Byron Haskin, the same powerhouse team who previous decimated the entire earth for 1953's "War Of The Worlds".   

             For those who happily cringed at the sight of Charlton Heston overrun by millions of ravenous, rampaging South American soldier ants, Warner Brothers served up an even bigger treat a few months later......literally bigger. Yes, we speak of "Them!" the one giant mutated ant movie to rule them all.

             But now let's turn our attention to "The Naked Jungle" that not only operates as thrilling man-against-nature story but allows Chucky Heston to once again sink his teeth into his patented character......a hot-tempered, autocratic alpha male and all around uncompromising son-of-a-bitch. 

             It's 1901 South America, where Heston's Christopher Leiningen, by sheer iron will and determination, carved out a vast cocoa plantation out of the dense rainforest.. He's\been toiling at this singular goal since age 19 and decides the time for sex, a wife and children is long overdue.  So with the help of his New Orleans based brother, he orders up a bride for some hot-cocoa co-mingling. 

            Alas, the Heston-ator's repulsed by by his brother's choice, the beautiful, genteel Joanna (Eleanor Parker).......preferring a virgin like himself, Chuck wanted a factory-fresh Bridal Barbie, but Joanna, horror of horrors, reveals she's been married before.  Damaged goods, in Chuck's eyes.

             Speaking of horror, even more woes beset Heston with the coming of  'the marabunta'....a once-in-lifetime convergence of those rapacious, devouring ants, cutting a swath through the steamy jungles like a grounded plague of locusts.

            Not one to back down from a mere onslaught of bugs, Chuck more or less says 'Bring it!'  Fortifying the plantation as best he can, he prepares for an Alamo-like last stand.......(and by this time, Parker's Joanna, proves she's mad of sterner stuff, winning Chuck''s love and sticking it out with him for the final assault.  

             At long last we get to the cool stuff.....the horrific waves of ants that engulf the landscape, stripping a few unlucky human victims right down to the bones. When confronted with moats, the clever little bastards hop aboard leaves to ferry them across.

           Seems like all is lost for our boy Chucky, until he tries a Hail Mary pass by blowing up a dam to flood the entire plantation. This bold move unfortunately requires him to dash across fields saturated with the voracious vermin who swarm over all over him as fresh prime rib. 

          Back in the days of late night movies on TV, we never missed a viewing of this movie and we still love it to pieces and it still holds up, with its steamy brew of. bubbling melodrama and grisly ant scenes. For 1954, the effects are surprisingly vivid and well done though we wish they'd found some real army ants for the close-ups.....(it's obvious the ones on display are those literal garden variety, picnic-spoiling American buggers...)

          This 'Jungle' remains a classic, old fashioned, drama-adventure left over from Hollywood's Golden Age. BQ says make it a double feature with "Them!" for maximum enjoyment......no bug spray needed, just plenty of popcorn.....4 & 1/2 stars (****1/2)

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