Saturday, October 9, 2021


                We originally intended to pass on this week's madness wrap-up.....(we're far too busy and happy re-watching the Daniel Craig Bond films).....but we couldn't let this week go by without bestowing a very special honor on a very special individual ......

                   ......a truly prestigious accolade we're thrilled to present to someone unique in the hellish rogue's gallery of Donald Trump's sycophantic, groveling minions......

                   Ladies and Gentlemen......we give you, without a microscopic shred of doubt, the most cowardly, spineless, simpering, whimpering invertebrate whoever spent time with his tongue licking Trump's vast anus with maximum enthusiasm.

                     Our most un-beloved former Vice President, Mike Pence......seen here accepting this award specially created for him. He needed  a little help getting around......

                     Mikey, in his little Death Cult News rant, conveniently forgot that Secret Service agents sworn to protect him and the Capitol police saved his fat neck from being stretched on a rope by his ex-boss's psychotic gang of fascists.

                       Memo to Mikey:   take another listen to what the Trumpanzees were chanting on January 6th.......They wanted to hang somebody. From a rope. On their own custom made gallows.

                       Guess what, Mikey?  That was your name they were in "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!"

                        Therefore, we proudly present you with the "Trumpanzee Worm Of The Year" award....a gold plated replica of the squirmy, nauseating creature you are.

                          Many other Trumpanzees have worked mightily to scrape bottom in service to Baby Orange, but Mikey, you're unique in the pantheon of piss-poor worms who crawl at his feet.

                        You love your boss even if he sends a howling, murderous mob to hang you.

                        We give you Mike Pence, a Worm among Worms and the Worm Of The Year.         



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