Thursday, October 28, 2021


 A Good Day For Chardonnay by Darynda Jones (2021)   We simply had to interrupt our usual Halloween Cheeseball Movie festival to clue you in on this book......

         It's the second book in author Darynda Jones' series about the romantic, dangerous, heartwarming and sometimes laugh-your-ass-off misadventures of small town New Mexico sheriff Sunshine Vicram and her equally irrepressible and unstoppable teen daughter Auri.

          If you check out our 5/21/20 post on the first book in this series, "A Bad Day For Sunshine", you'll see that we gave it a 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS rating......and our post header was pretty much the same as today's for the new book.

           This is by far the most fun, most exciting, most tearful, most ultra-sexy, most twisty and most hilarious book we've read all year. 

            No surprise, this gem is another 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS. 

            We're telling you right this book, download this book, borrow this book, listen to this book......get your hands on this book any way you can. 

            It's that damn good. 

             And the only thing we're bummed about is that we'll probably have to wait another year or so for the next one.

             "A Good Day For Chardonnay" once again hurls us into Sunshine's little nuthouse of a town, Del Sol, where everybody's either a lovable eccentric, or a potentially dangerous one. She has to navigate  her way through a tangled case that injured Levi Ravinder, the taciturn hunk whom she's been lusting after since childhood.  And it turns out there's way more  to the case than meets they eye.....

               Meanwhile, her flame-haired and adored Auri, a chip off the detecting block, takes it upon herself to prove that the town's most beloved, gentle-hearted little old lady is a serial killer.....

                That's all you'll get from us on the story, except to say that this book delivers a 12 course  meal of everything you might want to pick up a book for......multiple laugh-out-louds, a convoluted mystery to unravel, a smoking hot, practically nuclear powered romance, and even plenty of moments that could lead you to tear up a few times. 

                A true wow all around, this one. And in case we didn't make ourselves clear in this review.....once again, a 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS.  Get it now.

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