Thursday, June 24, 2021


                                     2024.....OR BEFORE!

     A terrific slogan. And we support it whole heartedly. Come on, New York District Attorneys......make the U.S. and the world a safer. saner place and make it happen. Soon.

           And in other wonderful news........

Rudy Giuliani's law license suspended for pushing The Big Lie about the election.....

Claimed Giuliani, "I was under the influence of Black Dye # was the same toxic stuff that made me caress my own balls at the the sight of Borat's daughter...."

Jared Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump seek to distance themselves from Trump......

In a joint statement, the couple declared, "We had nothing whatsoever to do with President Whats-his-name....we served as coffee-boy and coffee-girl......and sometimes he sent us out for donuts...."

Trump attempted to get FCC and DOJ to harass 'Saturday Night Live" about Alec Baldwin's Trump skits......

So unfair and biased!" Trump raged. "Not only that, when I was host, they wouldn't let me appear as a contestant on the "Black Jeopardy" sketch I wrote for them.......when they got to the clue 'He was the most deranged madman ever to be elected U.S. President, I was gonna buzz in and scream "Who was Martin Sheen in the 'The Dead Zone"!"

Trump rage-tweets on Father's Day...'Happy Father's Day to all losers...'........

Mar-A-Lago insiders disclose Trump was hurt and enraged by the Father's Day cards and gifts from his children......reportedly receiving a McDonald's Happy Meal coupon from Eric, a senior matinee ticket to 'In The Heights' from Don Jr., an original Toys 'R Us' speak 'n spell' from Tiffany.....and 500 a feet restraining order from Ivanka. 

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