Friday, June 25, 2021


 Dark Roads by Chevy Stevens (Publication date August 3, 2021)

           Since we've been a fervent Chevy Stevens fan since reading "Still Missing" and all her subsequent thrillers. we leaped at the opportunity to read an advance copy of her upcoming thriller and we couldn't wait to inhale it at light speed.

          And once again, she doesn't disappoint with this one, where she took her inspiration from British Columbia's infamous "Highway Of Tears", a long, long lonely stretch of road where many young women have disappeared and later found brutally raped and murdered.

            Fictionalized into the 'Cold Creek' highway, the book concentrates on two very different young women , Hailey and Beth, whose paths cross in the Canadian wilderness landscape - and whose paths also cross with the homicidal deranged deviate responsible for abducting , assaulting and killing girls all along the length of the highway.

            17 year old Hailey lost her beloved father in a car accident. With her mother long gone, she ends up in the care of her aunt and to Hailey's everlasting misery, her aunt's loathsome police officer husband, Vaughn.. Vaughn's an threatening, overbearing bully who seems to rule and control the town as if it's his own personal kingdom., and creepily dominates Hailey like she's his newly inherited piece of property.

           Beth is a a grief stricken young woman who's arrived in the highway's isolated, forbidding town in search of answers about the horrific slaying of her sister Amber - the latest victim found on the Cold Creek highway. (and who'd been a loving girlfriend to Hailey. before disappearing).

          That's all we would want to reveal here, since all the fun of reading a great suspense novel comes from investing in the characters as they plunge into all the twists and turns of the story.. And "Dark Roads" is one great thrill ride, especially if you want to read about fiercely strong and resourceful women up against some truly scary formidable threats to their lives.

         As a constant Chevy Stevens reader, we knew sooner or later there'd be a nasty, surprise twist somewhere down the road, and once again, she absolutely came through with it. And we loved the way that the natural beauty of the Canadian woods, lakes and rivers becomes as ominous and frightening as any big city dark alley.

        The danger factor and overall atmosphere of dread is top notch here, you'll worry yourself no end for the fate of the two girls and fearfully cringe every time that hateful, menacing Officer Vaughn pops up.. It's simply another 5 star (*****) Chevy Stevens winner, with the added bonus of a surprisingly heartfelt, affecting epilogue as well. You can never have enough stay-up-all-night thrillers, so here's one more that ought to go to top of your summertime ' Must Read' pile. A definite BQ FIND OF FINDS.  


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