Wednesday, June 2, 2021



 We can't believe who just stopped in to the Beached Quill's Beach House......none other than a fellow blogger, Donald "Baby Orange"'s the exclusive transcript of our conversation.......

BQ:    Well look who it is.  Baby Orange, how goes the blogging?

B.O.:   You miserable Antifa bastard......if I were still President, I swear I'd have the Proud Boys hang you right next to Mike Pence.....

BQ:  Lucky for me that sanity, morality and democracy prevailed....

B.O.:   You wait until I'm reinstated in the White House this August......then you can kiss all three of those things goodbye.....along with your ass!

BQ:  Oh right, we've heard you've been saying you expect to be re-coronated.  Isn't it going to be hard storming Congress again, what with so many of your most rabid supporters under federal indictment.

B.O.:  Don't you worry about that, I've got General Michael Flynn rounding up a crack team of Russian commandos to help me overthrow the current administration....we call 'em the Coup-Coup For Coco Puffs' brigade!

BQ:   Well named, indeed. Are you avoiding our question about your blog?

B.O.:  Wise already know I had to give up the blog. 

BQ:    Lack of public interest, we heard. Hardly anyone stopped in the check it out.

B.O.:  A filthy lie!  Roger Stone visited every day. Matt Gaetz stopped to to ask for dating advice.  I was even planning to give it a new sexier, more exciting name...."Fine Whines From Donald J. Trump"

BQ:   So what happened?

B.O.:  It all became too much......who knew writing in full sentences was hard.

BQ:   Same as health care, huh?

B.O,: Even worse. But none of that matters.  Even if the coup doesn't work out, I'm guaranteed to win another term in 2024. 

BQ:  How so?

B.O,:  I'm getting  those Republican imbeciles who lick my dick to pass even more voting restriction laws.  Wait'll you see the new, brown and all other off-color people will only be allowed to vote between 3 and 3:30  every other monday. 

BQ:  Isn't it going to be difficult for you to run for office while you're facing multiple indictments for tax fraud in you various busnesses?

B.O.: They can't pin anything on me. It was all Ivanka, Don Jr. and and whats-his-face, that other idiot with my last name.

BQ:  You mean Eric?

B.O,:   It was all on them. I was just a coffee boy in the organization. I went know.....the coffee.

BQ:   A coffee boy?  Seriously?  The organization bears your name. How do expect to escape the blame?  You'd throw your kids under the bus?

B.O:   So I'll get a few less Father's Day cards this year. Big deal. 

BQ:   There really is no bottom to you, is there?

B.O.:  What can I say? Nobody's found it yet. Gotta go now.....a big consultation with General Flynn. He came up with a hot new slogan for us......."A Traitor Can Make Us Greater".....catchy, right?

BQ:  As always, a visit from you is just like a bout of COVID-19.It never fails to induce both nausea and terror. Here's good news for you before you leave us.....

B.O:   What's that?

BQ:   We were thinking of how you orange prison jumpsuit will perfectly compliment your complexion. 

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