Thursday, September 3, 2020


Nobody Move: A Novel by [Denis Johnson]

 Nobody Move by Denis Johnson (2009)    Picked this obscurity up at a library book sale some time ago.....and having finally read it, we don't want to spend any more time blogging about it than Johnson spent writing it..........

                  At some point, this author must have watched 'Pulp Fiction' thinking, "Jeez, I could write shit like this in an hour or less."

                   Which evidently, he did. 

                 You can tell from the first paragraph on that this is a serious novelist of literary fiction who's slumming, enjoying the private joke of pumping out a pseudo-noir about violent thugs and dames doing violent things to each other......

                  And naturally, top loaded with pithy, toughter-than-tough one liners that sound nothing like real speech but would make for catchy sound bites in a movie trailer.....(that is, if a movie deal happened.)

                   The book's mercifully brief length becomes its only saving the time you've come to the end of it, at least you're grateful you haven't wasted too much of your time.

                    Speaking of time, we'll waste no more of it on this book. Zero stars. (0).  Should you see it in the book sale piles, give it a hard pass. 

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