Friday, September 18, 2020


 BQ:  Cora the must be celebrating like crazy......closing in on 200,000 Americans dead.......

CORA:   Don't you know it!  All due to my co-virus and right hand man......

BQ:  You mean Donald Trump.

CORA:  Who else?  He's my dream come true!   Fighting with all the scientists and doctors, holding superspeader rallies just for me, like a free, all-you-can-kill buffet......telling people that I'll just go away, sneering at people for wearing masks,.....lying to everybody even when he found out what a badass I was!  He's my very own Trumpy-Wumpy.  

BQ:  So terrifying....and so true. And he doesn't seem to mind so much about the folks you wiped out in the Blue, if it wasn't for them  inconveniently dropping dead, the body count would seem lower......

CORA:  Red, Blue......what the hell do I know from colors?  I told you over and over again, I don't discriminate......I just wanna kill everybody!  Aren't you flesh-tards all Americans, no matter what state you live in?

BQ:       We are, but Trump's incapable of understanding that.

CORA:   Honeypie, you could fill 10 million complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica with stuff Trumpy doesn't understand.  

BQ:   Including climate change. He thinks science doesn't know.......he promises it'll get cooler.

CORA:  Oh you betcha. Take my word and Trumpy's word for's gonna get cooler and I'm gonna go away soon......and later on blueberries'll fly out of our ass........heh, heh, heh, heh, did I remember to say that with a straight face?  Cause Trumpanzees will believe anything!

BQ:  Very authentic......except for the snickering.  Moving on, did you hear Attorney General and Mob Lawyer Bill Barr refer to lockdowns as slavery

CORA:   I adore Trumpy's ass-kissing bullfrog!   He's the best minion since Fraulein Irma Bunt in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"!  And by all means listen to him.......escape the lockdown!  Be free! Breathe deep......especially near other people.....with no masks! I'll be right by your side to see you through it all!

BQ:  Somehow, that hardly feels comforting.  What about Barr stockpiling all sorts of armaments to use against peaceful protesters.......such as the heat ray thing that'll make you feel like you're on fire.

CORA:   So cool!   Well, not so cool, I guess, for whoever they point it at.....heh, heh, heh.  I can't wait till Billy gets his chubby little hands on a disintegrator ray, like in 'War Of The Worlds'.......then we can literally dissolve 'em in the streets!  Less work for me......

BQ:  You're talking about the end of American democracy as we know it........

CORA:  Hey, flesh-nut, that's your problem. What the **** to I know from 'democracy'? I'm only here to kill people,  the same way Trumpy's only here to make money and install himself as President For Life.

BQ:  And that's exactly why you've been able to kill so many people.

CORA:  So it's a win-win for me and Trumpy both. Once he installs himself as King Of America, I can really get down to business and wipe all of you fleshbags off the face of the earth!

BQ:  Not if we have something to say about it on Nov. 3rd.

CORA:   No, no don't any of you dare vote for Biden......that crazy old coot says he's gonna listen to the doctors and scientists.......he'll try to end me!  He doesn't love me like Trumpy.

BQ:  Precisely.  By the way, Joe left a little gift for you......

CORA:  For moi?   I love presents.

BQ:  A real collector item, this one.  This'll do to you what the voters'll do to your BFF Trumpy.  A personally autographed can of Lysol spray.  Take a whiff.....

CORA:   Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!

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