Friday, September 4, 2020


27 Best THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS (1957) images | B movie, Brain, Movie  monsters

 BQ:    Cora the Coronavirus, how can wear such a T-Shirt...."Dead Vets Are Suckers And Losers"

CORA:   Isn't it cool?!  I thought I'd wear it to get in good with the boss.

BQ:   You mean Trump.

CORA:  My one and only hero!  The guy who lets me bump off fleshies like you by the 1000's every week!  Just like him, I like heroes who don't get they can come back home to let me infect and kill 'em. 

BQ:  Honestly, Cora, we don't know who's more disgusting and vile, you or Trump.

CORA:  Oh, I think he's got me beat by miles. After all, I'm just  a f***in' virus so I don't know any better. But he's supposed to be a human being,for Christ's sake.......and yet he's ten times the virus that I am!

BQ:  You speak the truth, you miserable little germ.

CORA:  And here's the best part......all those brain dead zombies who follow Trumpy like he's the Second Coming......they'll still love 'em anyway!  Didn't you hear them boo when somebody asked them to wear masks?  I love, love LOVE those Trumpanzees!  I'll have 'em on ventilators before the end of the month!

BQ:  We suppose you've heard he's encouraging them to vote twice.

CORA:   Hey, I don't blame him for that. You gotta understand, skinturd.......he's gotta screw up the election and keep himself in power as long as he can.......otherwise he's on his way to jail, and there ain't no Big Macs and nuggets on the prison menus, heh, heh, heh........

BQ:  Cora, aren't you a little concerned that he's pushing for a vaccine to come out a few days before the election?

CORA:  Nah.......that's never gonna happen, but saying it makes him look like a savior to the TrumpTards.......and you know already that they'll literally believe any idiotic thing he tells them.....which is why I'll get to wipe out whole bunches more of 'em before the end of year!

BQ:  Cora, it dawned on us that you and Trump are the two greatest threats to destroy the United States  in its entire history.

CORA:  You know it, baby. Trumpy and I, we're the dream team from Hell itself..

BQ:  Okay, we've officially reached our throw-up point. Here comes the Clorox spray-

CORA:   Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh! Keep America sicker than ever! Bye.......

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