Friday, September 11, 2020


The Brain From Planet Arous | moviescramble

BQ:   Cora the miserable to see you again. What is that, another new T-shirt?

CORA:  This one's the best yet. I'm sellin' them on E-Bay.

BQ:   ''Trump-Pence 2020.....Drop Dead, America!" ??  That's a little obvious and harsh, don't you think?

CORA:  No sense in hiding things anymore.....not .since Trumpy spilled the beans to Woodward. 

BQ:    You mean how Trump lied to the American people about the severity of the pandemic......which  led to him cause thousands of deaths of people who thought he was being honest with them.......

CORA:   Righto, Fleshy!  Haven't you been listening to me ever since we started these little talks?  I told you over and over again.......Trumpy's the best friend a virus ever had!   With his help, I bumped up the body count to record numbers!  He's my BFF forever.

BQ:  At least the truth is out now, though I doubt it'll make any difference to the Trumpanzees who attend his rallies.......

CORA:  Heh, heh, heh.....oh HELL no!  And I LOVE those Trumpy rallies......with all his little Trumptards squished together and not wearing masks......

BQ:   So you enjoy infecting and killing the Trump supporters too?

CORA:   Hey, I'm an equal opportunity slaughterer.  And besides, who cares who many of those sorry-ass Trumpy worshipping shmucks I wipe out?  Come on, they're already dead from the neck up anyway.  I'm just finishing off whatever's left.

BQ:   Cora, we realize you're nothing but a virus and can't help doing the things you do. But what on earth is Trump's excuse?   With his ignorance, incompetence and his plain evil nature, he's got the deaths of thousands of people on his hands. 

CORA:   But it's not his fault.!

BQ:  Say what now?

CORA:    It's Bob Woodward's fault!   Didn't you hear Trumpy?   Bob's the one who should've warned you all......

BQ:   Bob Woodward's not the President of the United States!

CORA: Well, neither is Trumpy when you get right down to it.  He just pretends to be President on know, like he used to pretend he was some kind of big savvy businessman on "The Apprentice"?    Not my fault you suckers fell for it and now you're all gonna die.......

BQ:   But Cora, no person with at least 2 or 3 functioning brain cells is going to believe his ridiculous story about 'not wanting to cause a panic'.........

CORA:   That's exactly why all his fans, sycophants and minions WILL believe it!  Cause they haven't got a functioning brain cell between 'em!  Gotta break it off our little chat.....places to go, people to kill.

BQ:  How about one for the road?

CORA:  Don't mind if I 'bout a scotch and soda?

BQ:   How 'bout a shot of Lysol?

CORA:    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Damn it, one day I'll catch you without your mask on!

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