Thursday, September 10, 2020


Diana Rigg Picture

 Dame Diana Rigg - 1938-2020     

                 To paraphrase the opening song in "South Pacific".....there was nothing like a Dame.

                 She was Mrs. Peel, the karate-chopping, judo-hurling, jumpsuited goddess of our high school dreams in "The Avengers"

Diana Rigg in The Avengers (1961)

                  She was the Contessa Tracy di Vincenzo in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service, so alluring and extraordinary, she became the one and only woman who make James Bond embrace monogamy and marry her.

Diana Rigg and George Lazenby at an event for On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)

                   Essentially she was the first empowered woman superhero of the mid 20th century........stunningly beautiful and supremely gifted as an actress.

                    So many memorable roles followed.....on stage, in films and TV.......a lifetime of a legendary career in everything from "The Great Muppet Caper" to "Game Of Thrones"

Diana Rigg in Game of Thrones (2011)

                      A unique talent who in her youth re-defined what it meant to be "the girl" in action-adventure projects......her fierce intelligence served to make her a thousand times more desirable than any mere babe-of-the-week. 

                  And as her career progressed, she quickly established herself as pure royalty in the field of acting.......(and eventually awarded the title that went with it)

                   Rest in piece, Dame Diana.......from a lifelong admirer.....and big, big fanboy.

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