Friday, July 10, 2020


The Blob (1958)

     Cora, you don't really have to keep showing up here to help us do the Weekend Madness Wrapup.

CORA:   It's my pleasure,  you pathetic collection of worn out organs.......

BQ:    So you're running rampant as usual.....Arizona....Texas......Florida....

CORA:  What a gift!  All of those states run by brain dead Trumpanzees!  What would I do without my Trumpy-Wumpy to help me......he's my BFF forever!

BQ:  We suppose you've heard he's threatening states with federal funding cuts if they don't open the schools......

CORA:   Damn straight he is. Trumpy and I are on the same page there......fill up those schools with loads of little potential infectees!   When I get done with 'em, nobody's gonna reach higher than 6th grade......that's when I'll give the little bastards their graduation gifts......a ventilator and a death certificate!

BQ:  We can't tell who's a greater threat to the country, or Trump......

CORA:    Face it, flesh-puss, Trumptard and me, we're the Dynamic Duo from hell. 

BQ:  This week he claimed that 99% of....uh...cases of you are harmless.

CORA:  He said that?  Honest?  (SOUND OF HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER)   Sweet Microbes, am I glad I waited to show up when he's President!  He da Boss With The Hot Sauce!

BQ:  There is some good news for humanity this week, by the way.....

CORA:   Aw, come on.......don't rain on my parade, will ya?

BQ:   The Supreme Court shot down Trump's notion that he's some sort of royal King who's above the law.....

CORA:  But he is! He's my King!   I worship his tiny hands, tiny mind and vast belly........I'd love to climb into his lungs,......if only I could make my way past those heavy layers of french fry grease...... 

BQ:  In that regard, we're rooting for you. What do you think of his niece Mary Trump's upcoming book.......labeling him a psychopath.

CORA:   That's you hot, breaking story?  That Trumpy's nuts?   Not exactly breaking news, boyo........any more scoops like that?  Like Lindbergh landed, the Titanic sunk?

BQ:  Cora, have you given any thought to what you'll do when Trump's finally thrown out of office?
When sanity, civility, decency, common sense, leadership and morality return to the U.S.?

CORA:   Bite your tongue!  That's blasphemy!  Sacrilege!  Make America Sicker, I say!

BQ:  We've had more than enough of you today. Time to try out a new recommended product.....

CORA:   Jello Pudding Pops?

BQ:    Lysol spray......

CORA:    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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