CORA: Your loss, Fleshling.......don't you want my unique insight into this week's events?
BQ: What insight? Trump's content to let you kill off thousands of Americans while he obsesses over Biden, Goya beans, light bulbs and his re-election.
CORA: I know! Ain't life great?! Trumpy and his Trumpanzee governors are gonna let me turn Arizona, Texas and Florida into graveyards! I LOVE these guys!
BQ: Not to mention Trump's war on Dr. Fauci.
CORA: Serves Fauci right. Who the hell's he think he is......tryin' to talk science, sense and rationality! Doesn't the doc realize he's Alice In Wonderland and the Mad Hatter's runnin' the show?
BQ: Sad, sad.......and then there's the Goya beans.....selling beans and cookies on the White House resolute desk......
CORA: What a glorious time for me to live in! I'm slaughtering people like a scythe slicin' down wheat and your Chief Exec is hawking beans with a big smile on his face. Maybe he can move on to veggie choppers and Hi-tech flashlights!
BQ: Even Ivanka's holding up a Goya can........
CORA: Aw, what a cutie. I bet she could turn letters on 'Wheel Of Fortune' when Vanna retires......I think it's the only thing she may be qualified for.....
BQ: No, you're wrong on that. Now she's American's Job Counselor......telling millions of unemployed people they should 'find something else.....
CORA: Love that kid.......Marie Antoinette couldn't have put it better. What a perfect package, Ivanka.......rich, hot and dumb as rock. No wonder her Daddy has the hots for her.....
BQ: Moving on to more madness, your favorite Prez went on a typically wild rant yesterday.....stuff about bringing back incandescent light bulbs, Joe Biden destroying the suburbs, and making farmers who never cried when they were born cry like babies
CORA: Come on, flesh-tard.....you're makin' all that stuff up, right?
BQ: Tragically....no. In the sense that Trump in the White House is an extinction-event tragedy.
CORA: Well now you know why I'm hoping and praying for his re-election. If you guys make that loony asswipe President for another 4 years, that'll give me enough time to wipe out whoever's left alive in the USA! Vote 'em back in, you Trumpanzees! I'll make your whole country look like Hiroshima in August of '45!
BQ: Okay, that's all we can stomach out of you for now........we loaded up this water pistol with Clorox......Hasta La Vista, baby......
CORA: Arrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh.....I'll be back!
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