Monday, July 20, 2020


Emma. Poster
Emma (2020)     
Once we're overcome with a crush on an actress, we're not much different than any lovesick junior high geek...........

                Our undying passion will lead us to watching our new anointed fave in just about anything.......from superhero sludge to high-falutin' culture-vulture oil paintings disguised as movies.....

                  Which brings us to the latest and deadliest adaptation of 'Emma' that tempest-in-a-teacup 19th century romcom from Jane Austen........(you remember Jane.....the babe who inspired 'Clueless')

                  Under any other circumstance, we'd have only sat  through this somnambulant  slog with an AR-15 pressed against our neck......

                  But the producers cleverly sucked us in by casting the latest object of our cinematic affection, the luminous, gifted Anya Taylor-Joy, she of the enormous. expressive wide eyes that rival those of any anime character.

                    They didn't have us at hello, but they surely had us at Anya Taylor-Joy.

                     Obsessed with Ms. T-J's talent and beauty, we could do nothing less than endure the grindingly slow punishment of this static, inert film that loses itself in its meticulous art direction, gorgeous cinematography and sumptuous costumes........

Anya Taylor-Joy Picture

                      Yes, it's pretty to look at  (as is the ever stunning Anya)........but it moves like a lava flow from an inactive other words, not at all.

                     But once we're hooked on a particular performer, we're hooked.........and we'd never miss an opportunity to revel in the glorious sight of A T-J, even as the movie around her is encased in pretentious concrete.

                     For her and her alone, we're  dropping 2 & 1/2 stars (**1/2)  Without her, we would have taken a flamethrower to this movie......okay, that's a little harsh, but we'd definitely  give it a rating in the minus numbers.  

                     To those who don't share our love and admiration for this actress, no matter what she chooses to appear in, (and we've NO idea who that could be...) stay as far away from 'Emma' as you can. 

                     As for BQ......what can we say?  We're helpless.......resistance was futile. 

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