Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Jeopardy! Poster

Jeopardy!  (1984-2020) 
For a real summertime Blast From The Past, nothing beat watching the very first episode of the beloved game show that was hosted by equally beloved Alex Trebek.......

                And holy Daily Double, there was a dark haired Alex, talking so fast he sounded like he'd either  taken 5 Red Bulls intravenously or ingested all the meth from the entire seasons of 'Breaking Bad....he was like a live action version of Muppet game show host Guy Smiley.......

                What we loved the most.........given his frenzied delivery, Alex kept the usual mid-point contestant chit-chat' to 12 seconds per person........

                  ........so none of them got make us to lose the will to live by doing one of those, "That's right, Alex, my wife and I were married on top of a moving train and then we lost our luggage in Rangoon and fell off the top of the Matterhorn right after we met the Dali Lama'........

                  We're pretty sure though, that the 'Jeopardy' staff must have conferred after that first, ridiculously easy Final Jeopardy question......"Uh....listen guys.....whaddya say we make the final question a real ball buster from hell.....ya know, something like "Richard III's second cousin on this mother's side died of this debilitating sexually transmitted disease.....{

                 No matter. Vintage 'Jeopardy' made for the perfect summer cooler. 4 stars (****)

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