CORA: My Trumpy-Wumpy's back! Better and crazier than ever! I knew it all along......I knew he'd never be convincing as a normal human being......who'd believe him?
BQ: At this point, nobody.
CORA: And now look at him! Pushing states to reopen while I'm killin' off people by the 1000's, pushing that Hydo-cockadoodle drug that the FDA says won't do shit against me......and best of all, finding the greatest medicak advisor of all time!
BQ: You mean that woman doctor who thinks women's gynecological problems come from having dream sex with demons?
CORA: Yes! Demon sperm, they'll get ya every time. Probably happened to Trumpy's mom......
BQ: Now that is the first believable claim you've made.
CORA: Don't forget her other gems! Like the stuff about alien DNA and a virus that drains the religion out of people.......
BQ: This woman he's praising, while he denigrates and insults Dr. Fauci......
CORA: Oh how I adore my Trumpy........if he keeps this up, I could knock off half a million people just in time for Christmas!
BQ: Speaking of Dr. Fauci, Trump's very upset the doctor has higher approval ratings. He's complaining that....'Nobody likes me'......
CORA: Oh boo hoo. Trumpy should cheer the **** up! Of course nobody likes him.......nobody likes me either but do you hear me whinin' about it? Nobody likes him cause they realize he and I are exactly alike!
BQ: True enough, you both are lethal viruses that infected the world and caused untold misery and suffering.......and death.
CORA: Exactly! I only hope Trumpy doesn't show too many of these introspective moments, aware of what an asshole he is. He needs to go with flow.....keep on keepin' on.......and keep helpin' me rack up the biggest body count in U.S. history!
BQ: We're afraid you have nothing to worry about, Cora. He only stays Presidential for a few minutes at a time, then goes right back to lunacy........
CORA: So how can you blame me for lovin' him so?
BQ: You're making us nauseous as always. Here, have a squirt of anti-bacterial soap for the road.
CORA: Arrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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