Friday, July 24, 2020


Guilty as Sin Poster

Guilty As Sin (1993)   
Since  we're right in the middle of reading Maura Speigel's excellent biography of director Sidney Lumet ('Sidney Lumet - A life') we can't help but seek out whatever of his movies we're up too in the book's chronological account of his prolific career.......

               'Guilty As Sin' is an odd item in Lumet's filmography, as it falls both in and out of his wheelhouse......

                  On the surface, it seems like an unlikely project for Lumet, the master of literate cinematic drama.......a sexy, lurid popcorn munching thriller produced under the auspices of Hollywood Pictures, Disney's R-rated pulpy division, with an outrageously absurd script by High Concept shockmeister Larry Cohen. ("It's Alive", "Q, the Winged Serpent")

                   But then again, on a primal level, it's perfect for Lumet and his innate ability to bring out the very best in his actors.......Cohen's story functions as  a chilling, bravura deadly duet for the two leads. Don Johnson and Rebecca De Mornay.

                  Don Johnson's the real revelation here, seizing for all it's worth his role as an impeccably dressed lethal gigalo who invariably murders the rich, foolish women whom he seduces into keeping him around as their pampered boy toy. He's a human oil slick and scary-funny to the max.

                   At last indicted for the obvious, staged 'suicide' of his last sugar-mama, the supremely creepy, self assured Johnson stalks and cleverly manipulates a high powered, ultra-smart criminal attorney, De Mornay, into defending him. 

A Certain Breed of Women - Guilty As Sin | Jordan Danfyu - YouTube

                  De Mornay, full of pride in her legal skills, at first accepts  the challenge inherent in defending a client whom everyone thinks is guilty.  But early on, she has the tables turned on her  when she realizes Johnson's the real deal, a serial killer who's having fun playing cat 'n mouse with her.......

                  The  cat and mouse between the two characters is what the film's all about.......and Larry Cohen and Lumet dial up the suspense as an increasingly fear stricken De Mornay struggle to outwit the ever sneering, snarky Johnson. 

                     We won't bother bringing up the increasingly unbelievable plot're just supposed to let 'em slide, sit back and watch the two actors go about their daily business of trying to bring about each other's destruction.

                    And by the time you get to Larry Cohen's typically wild, wild Hitchcockian  showdown,  you might consider it abrupt and way over the top........but as a long time Cohen fan, we kind of knew what to expect from this finale  (hint: crazy and satisfying)......and it suited us fine. 

                   With Lumet's assured direction adding a touch of class, "Guilty As Sin" still remains a genuine guilt-free pleasure, and another ice cold cooler for these hot summer nights.4 suspenseful stars - (****). Feel free to enjoy some disorder in the court......

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