Friday, April 27, 2018


Sneakers (1992)   This all-star romp, with its motley crew of high-tech nerds and rogues, remains as slick, clever and funny as it was when it first released......

            More importantly, the movie's prime villain Cosmo (Sir Ben Kingsley), lays out a mission statement that still painfully rings true today.......

              Cosmo, who duels with his former hacker cohort Bishop (Robert Redford) and Bishop's merry band of security experts, knows well how to fight the new battle for global dominance.....

              It's no longer about territory lost or's all about the information. And who controls the flow of it.

              You could view Cosmo as Julian Assange's Wikileaks run amok.......seeking to wield a computer program capable of breaking every secret code in the world......

               Or to put it in Cosmo's signature taunt to Bishop and company........"no more secrets."

              So here we are in 2018, 26 years after "Sneakers".........and sooner or later, everybody's secrets come flooding out into public view......(Intelligence services still bravely attempt to stem the flow with their redacting black magic markers......but it's like piling up sandbags in front of an oncoming tsunami........eventually, it's all going to come out......we're all going to read it......and jump on Twitter about it.....)

                No one knows this better than Donald J. Trump........even his perpetual non-stop lying can't overcome the sheer avalanche of information.   Just listen to his gasping, desperate, hilariously pathetic rant on "Fox and Friends.".......the panicked blubbering of a coward who knows the rising tide of information is coming up to his chin level......with no signs of abating.

                But as we all know, the data flow slices in every direction.  Ask Hilary Clinton. And what's worse, the KGB assassin in charge of Russia knows how to corrupt, warp and weaponize  information for his own nefarious ends.Proof's in the pudding.   That's his little puppet now sitting in the White House......

               You know what we'd much rather see than "Avengers: Infinity War"?  (Personally, we couldn't care less how many of those smirking, spandexed wisecrackers die at the end.....)

                We'd rush to any multi-plex to watch the whole "Sneakers" gang re-assemble again and drain the bank accounts of Putin and his oligarchs.........not to mention posting Trump's tax returns on Facebook........

                 We're only sorry River Phoenix isn't alive to reprise his role as the love-starved Sneaker......maybe the gang could have gotten Margot Robbie to friend him.......

                  For their 1992 adventures, always  4 stars (****).......but boy, do we need them to make a comback, now more than ever.......the villains running loose in the world today make Ben Kingsley's Cosmo as threatening as Gru from 'Despicable Me'.......

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