Friday, April 13, 2018


               Had a movie post all planned.......but nothing beats current events for outrageous comedy, compelling drama.......and if you stop to contemplate at all......blood-freezing horror.

               Comey outdoes Stormy.......even without having to slap Baby Orange's ample ass with a rolled up magazine.......

                Baby Orange's lawyer takes the Fifth.......we suppose that means he's cancelled the 'round the world cruise he planned to take on cash collected from Stormy........

                 The Baby Orange Love Child??  If Baby Orange fathered a blonde attractive female, she should go deep, deep into hiding.......chances are, he might take the phrase "love child" too literally....

                 Baby Orange asks Comey to investigate the "Pee-Pee" tape......Truly, we don't understand why Baby Orange obsesses over this........if the Trumpanzees who voted him in don't mind him grabbing vaginas, why would the sight of him pissing on Russian whores bother them?  We can already hear the Evangelical sermons in preparation ......."praise the Lord, when you gotta go, you gotta go...."

                  "At attack on America", says Baby Orange about the FBI raiding his lawyer's offices  Memo to Baby Orange........The FBI didn't raid America.....the FBI protects America, the complete opposite of what you do......The FBI isn't after's after two psychotic lying sociopaths who've smeared feces all over America and are headed for criminal and your lawyer.

                   Baby Orange claims he'll never reveal his military strategy......and then tweets about the missiles he plans to lob over to Syria........(and he no doubt thinks the check from Mexico to pay for his Great Wall is in the mail.....)

                    and before we close the lid on this Trumpster fire.......

                   Scott Pruitt    Remember "Drain The Swamp?" (especially you MAGA redhats.....that's your tax dollars he flies first class on).......when it comes to swamps, this guy is the entire Everglades........

                     Paul Ryan    What a profile in courage......dividing his time between making war on the elderly and sick people......and cowering and quivering in the shadow of Baby Orange.  A genuine pleasure to watch this oozing worm slither out of Congress......

                    Devin Nunes  This scuttling cockroach who crawled fully grown out of Baby Orange's  anus hasn't the mental capacity to figure out how history will judge him.........he thinks only one minute ahead at a time.  Truth and karma may finally hit him after the stench of Baby Orange is gone and he's swept into the dustbin with the rest of the spineless enablers........  

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