Sunday, April 1, 2018


          Happy Easter.

           We grew up in the era of Hollywood Biblical epics.......lengthy, somber, pious films that cloaked themselves in Christian righteousness, accompanied by extra loud heavenly choirs.....

            These movies came out in a more innocent, trusting age, for a more innocent trusting we never contemplated the fact that these movies were assembled by rapacious film industry sharks who would run over their own grandmother with their limo if the old lady stood between them and a few extra bucks........

             A whole new generation of greedy lizards now runs Hollywood.......this new crew of reptiles prefers to massage the ticket-buying suckers with comic book fantasies.......billions of dollars poured into the kind of junk our parents caught us reading with flashlights under the covers, way past our about irony......

              Christian movies? They still exist, but done cheaply, with little or no artistry.......amateur theatricals at the Church picnic, populated with people who volunteered to act in them instead of bringing the potato salad and cole slaw.....

             We assume the intended audience for these movies forgives them all their shortcomings.....

             In the same way they've chosen to forgive the President they so fervently embrace......even as he breaks almost all of the Ten Commandments on a daily basis.........(he hasn't gotten around to "Thou Shalt Not Kill" yet, but with John Bolton as his Security Advisor, he's well on his way....)

             What's truly sad and disgusting about the Evangelical embrace of Baby Orange.........they haven't yet figured out that he's nothing but a throwback to the Hollywood sharks who slapped together biblical piety in glossy Technicolor......

              He does possess as much faith as they do, that much is true......

              But only in two and his own delusional worship of himself.

              So a happy, joyous Easter Sunday to Evangelicals.......but we don't envy them when they finally realize they're being hoodwinked and played for suckers by a master show-biz con man.....

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