Tuesday, April 3, 2018


           Scary, scary stuff......

           Some outfit called the Sinclair Broadcast Group turns the Ken 'N Barbie news anchors of all their many stations into  Body Snatchers Pod People......freshly hatched out of their intergalactic, primordial goo......(where's Kevin McCarthy and his pitchfork when you need him?)

            Imitating real journalists, just as the Pods imitated real people,  all of them start parroting a prepared speech.......very similar, as many others have noticed, to prisoners of war or terrorist hostages forced to read prepared statements......

             They blather on about the dangers of fake news......when in fact, the corporation that yanked the strings in their backs to make them talk created this creepy spectacle to aid the Fake President and his daily cascade of outrageous lies......

              Essentially, its the same kind of TV newscasts you'd get in Russia or North Korea......state-sponsored and designed to elevate and praise Glorious Leader.....

               Welcome to Baby Orange's America......in which the function of the press is to inflate the Hindenburg-sized Baby Orange ego.......and turn a blind eye to all his lies, crimes, depravity, bigotry and cruelty.

              Pathetic and stupid.....but in a way, understandable. Baby Orange pulled off the biggest con in all recorded history, bamboozling and duping enough folks to put him in the White House.......

              So he and his enabler Sinclair think they can still perpetuate the con, with the enforced help of all the company's Anchor-Pods.......

                Nice try, boys........but we think it's a little too late to work.......there's too much real truth floating around out there......for everyone to see, hear and read.......
                ........and for Robert Mueller to dig up.

              Point and shriek all you want, Anchor-Pods.......for all the good it'll do you......and your Glorious Liar-In-Chief.......

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