Saturday, April 14, 2018


Duck Soup (1933)   One thing we've learned........if you live long enough, you get to see everything....

               More than once.......

               And maybe wish you hadn't............

               We now rejoice.......we punched Assad in the nose. That'll teach 'im.  Uh, won't it?

               For at least a half an hour, we experienced the same temporary thrill we got watching Chuck Norris kick some guy in face during any random episode of "Walker, Texas Ranger"........

               You'll please forgive the BQ if we stop to ruminate a bit........

                So we (America), along with France and Great Britain, delivered a brief Chuck Norris face-kick to Syria.......for killing about 40 people with poison gas.

                Assad crossed the famous Red Line In The Sand doing this. Meanwhile, he's already killed half a million of his people with bullets and bombs.

               Maybe we're going out on a limb here, but we're guessing that a good portion of those 500,00 men, women and children, their bodies shredded and torn apart, died with the equivalent amount of agony and suffering as the 40 people who were gassed.

                Nothing to be done about that, we guess. Hey, it's war........that's what happens when a country comes under the control of an inhuman monster.....

               But let's be clear......don't misunderstand us. By no means do we advocate marching in hundreds of thousands of young American soldiers for use as cannon fodder in another never-ending Middle East bloodbath.

               We are not John Bolton, who's essentially a spoiled fully grown toddler who wants to play toy soldiers with real soldiers......after all, as long it's not his blood that's being spilled.....

                And besides, we supposedly have no such aims for Syria anyway........a week ago, Baby Orange couldn't control his ever flapping mouth and said he expected to pull out of Syria......

                But when the Special Counsel and the FBI are relentlessly closing in on you.......there's nothing like sending missiles and planes to blow shit up to take everyone's mind off things......

                So once again, we'll ask you understand why we're casting a jaundiced eye at virtually every aspect and every side of the World At Large and the Powers That Be......

               It's just that we've lived through all this crap before........and it never gets any better.....for anybody.

             If there's anyone among you who thinks that Assad's been taught a lesson he'll never forget, then no doubt you've eagerly answered those e-mails that scream YOU CAN MAKE $1,000 DOLLARS WORKING FROM HOME! JUST SEND US YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER!!

               So to hell with them hell with Putin, a KGB assassin masquerading as a world leader, to hell with Assad, a malignant cancer in a business suit......and to hell with Baby Orange, a hollow shell of human who got to put on a "Walker, Texas Ranger" episode as a convenient smokescreen to cover his own criminality......

               Oh, right......this post was supposed to be about a movie, wasn't it?  That's cause every time we punch a dictator in the nose, it reminds of us Groucho's rousing song "To War.." which he exhorts the mythical kingdom of Freedonia to head into battle........for the sheer patriotic fun of it.....

             4 stars for "Duck Soup" (****)....and its glorious song.  We only wish that in the process of bombing Assad's chemical weapons facilities, we'd also dropped leaflets with Groucho's lyrics.......Hi-De-Hi-De-Hi-De-Ho.....With a Hey Nonny Nonny And A Hot Cha Cha....

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