Wednesday, December 20, 2017


               We're not sure who those people are in the above photo.......either Imperial Stormtroopers or Republicans marching in lockstep to celebrate their triumph of screwing over the majority of Americans to make the super rich even richer......

                 Come to think of it, it doesn't matter........whenever either group gets together, it means bad news is well on the way......

                 Baby Orange Robot debuts at Disney's Hall Of Presidents......Clever Disney "Imagineers" remembered to accurately render the necktie draping down to crotch level.  The rest of him resembles one of Vincent Price's "House Of Wax" figures as it melts down in the middle of a raging fire.......similar to the real Baby Orange when he hears Mueller's probe will go way into 2018.......Only major problem: as Robot activated, it attempted to grab Snow White's genitals, muttering "I'll move on her like a bitch....."

                 GOP rams through their Tax Scam...We gotta hand it to these guys, they make the 'Ocean's 11' crew look like subway pickpockets.  What an inspired caper......"We'll stick a low-taxes pacifier in their mouths for a couple of years......the suckers'll never notice the millionaires get their tax cuts forever.....and.those pathetic dummies won't even remember we're stickin' their kids with a Trillion dollar I.O.U...heh, heh, heh...."   Nice work, guys. What's next? Steal the "Mona Lisa" from the Louvre in broad daylight?  Heist the Crown Jewels during Harry and Meghan's wedding?

                 Changing the subject to a lighter form of lunacy.....

                 Disgruntled Star Wars Fanboys want Disney to scrap "The Last Jedi" and remake the film over again.....Actually this photo depicts your young children and grandchildren when the GOP Trillion Dollar Debt arrives on their doorsteps.......and they realize their Social Security will come to $3.98 per month and their Medicare will consist of 2 aspirins and a Band-Aid when they've fallen and can't get up.....

                  As for the Fanboys......Memo From BQ:  Never mind about 'Star Wars'.....when's the last time you changed the sheets on that bed you sleep on in your parents' basement?  You're only a few feet away from the washer and dryer.....get your lazy asses in gear, pick up all that dirty clothing off the floor and put a load in already.....

                   Memo to Fanboys Moms from BQ:  You're welcome......

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