Wednesday, December 13, 2017


                A break in the dark clouds........

                A stunning rebuke and defeat for Baby Orange and his pet pedophile, the Phantom Of The Mall, Roy Moore........

                 It's worth a satisfied smile, but we're not jumping up and down, screaming "Woo hooo!".......keep in mind there were still thousands of Alabamans who thought God and Baby Orange told them it was okay to vote for a guy who would diddle their young long as he wasn't a Democrat......

                  But there's a comforting take-away from all this chaos.......

                  .........and it's this. The majority of us do not live in the Dark Kingdom Of Trump.....a scary, foul place where truth, civility, morality and common decency do not exist.  Only the Orange Emperor's red-hatted zombies still live there..... the people who've sacrificed their humanity, their moral compass and their common sense to worship at his altar......

                 The rest of us still live in the United States Of it was conceived 241 years ago.

               And the United State Of America is about as far from the Dark Kingdom Of Trump as the Earth is from the moons of Jupiter.

                So we celebrate this moment in time.......when decency triumphed over lunacy, when enough people said "Enough" to Baby Orange and his anointed candidate, a degenerate predator as repulsive and inhuman as the so-called President who endorsed him.

                A break in the dark clouds.......and maybe one day, full sunshine. And the return of the United States Of America.

                We can only hope. And resist.


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