Monday, December 4, 2017


                Thought we'd illustrate this post with the Republicans' favorite films......

                Dark, dark quote Baby Orange, the likes of which has never been seen before.....(of course, he also says that about the last bucket of KFC Extra Crispy he gnawed on......)

                Our nominees for the week...

                Baby Orange endorses Roy Moore.....the only difference between these two bottom-feeders.....the ages of the women whose vaginas they grab.......Roy likes 'em young, fresh from the shopping malls..........

                Mitch McConnell starts to think Roy Moore isn't such a bad guy after all........National Geographic plans to send a news crew to McConnell's office after the 2018 elections....just to photograph his head retreating into its shell,,,,,

                Baby Orange's lawyer says Baby Orange can't obstruct justice.....'cause he's....uh....Baby Orange.....additionally, this lawyer, who also takes over the tweeting when Baby Orange's tiny thumbs seize up, also claims the orange glow emanating from Baby Orange's head comes directly from the the Sun God Ra.......

                The GOP "tax cut"......think about this......imagine, if back in your high school days, you dropped off your term paper on your English teacher's the middle of the night......with scribbled handwritten additions crammed into the margins.........want to guess what grade you'd get? So congratulations........if you're in the middle class or below, you just got brutally mugged by a gang of D-minus students who emptied your wallets.  If's you're a CEO or a multimillionaire with a private jet......things are lookin' up......

                Baby Orange shrinks the monuments......In Baby Orange's America, the only the monument whose massive size defies belief.....Baby Orange's ego and self regard.....dwarfing even the Grand Canyon......

              Baby Orange's daydream that the "Access Hollywood" tape is fake........refuted by the guy who stood next to him, listening.....(speaking of  forgotten daydreams......any word on the Baby Orange claim that President Obama wiretapped B.O.'s office?  We anxiously await word.)

               and on a more trivial, but upbeat New Favorite Things note......

              Disney agrees to stop torturing parents and kids with its "Frozen" short in front of "Coco"....Company executives promise angry parents that a new short is in which Wreck-It-Ralph gives Olaf a space heater for Christmas.....

               Time Magazine considers the #metoo movement for Person Of The Year.....we're hoping the ladies can share it with Robert Mueller, in charge of the #You'reFired movement......


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