Saturday, December 9, 2017


Get Out (2017)  We realize everyone in the world's weighed in on this one.........but the movie especially stuck on our mind on this particular weekend........

              For us, any horror movie these days would have to work extra hard to duplicate the real life horror we're living in.......

               This weekend, we watched our sexual assaulter President go out and sing the praises of an equally loathsome pedophile predator who pines nostalgically for the good old days of slavery.....

               Now how can any horror movie hope to compete with that? 

               Writer-director Jordan Peele certainly gives it some superb competition in "Get Out".......a dazzling balancing act of a movie that turns "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?" inside out and backwards, putting  it in a blender with "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" and "The Stepford Wives"

               Throwing in virtually every component of racial anxiety, anger and unease in today's America, Peele juggles all these balls in the air and dazzles us further with his deft mix of laugh out loud satire and stark terror.....

                And when it comes time to lay all his cards out, Peele's unafraid to make use of the expected cathartic gore that his plot demands. No hardcore horror fan walks away from this film disappointed......

                Unfortunately, these days you can't finish watching "Get Out" and breathe a sigh of relief, whispering to yourself....."Thank God it's only a movie....."

                Turn on the news and horror begins anew.

                And it's real. The Grand Old Pedophile Party, its deeply racist President and the walking, talking bacteria they want to install as a senator from Alabama do exist.

                For the movie, 4 stars (****)........for what's actually going on.......pray and resist.

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