Sunday, December 17, 2017


              We all knew that Doug Jones' victory in Alabama was only a brief ray of sunshine in the ongoing evil storm enveloping the country.....

               But it was fun while it lasted.....

              Baby Orange bans words at the "Fetus", "Transgender", "Science Based".......also banned....."Idiot", "Psychopath", "Racist", "Sex Predator"....and "Unfit"

               Baby Orange appoints a completely unqualified dumbass as a Federal Judge....fulfilling his campaign promise to staff the government with "the very best people"......or at least people as worthy and qualified as himself.....

               Omarosa kicked out of the White House......But why? She was the perfect symbol of the Baby Orange Presidency.........a duplicate of her mentor and empty-headed, mean spirited TV clown, constantly begging for attention.....

               and moving away from the horrors of Washington......

               Jabba The Weinstein revealed to have sabotaged Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino's careers......Memo to producers and directors......used your medical benefits to go get a spine transplant and return these talented women to the big screen. Memo to Jabba The's hoping there's multiple multi-million dollar defamation lawsuits filed against you real, real soon. Until then, just crawl into a hole and throw some dirt over yourself......your natural habitat.....

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