Wednesday, December 6, 2017


                  As the BQ predicted a few posts ago, Time picked the women who blew the whistle on scumbags like Baby Orange and his new compadre, the Lolita-lovin', bible thumpin'  Grand Old Pedophile, Roy Moore.  (Lest anyone accuse us of partisanship, we're more than overjoyed to also see Democratic groper Al Franken headed for the exit doors.......anyone creepy and stupid enough to pose for a picture of himself about to molest a sleeping woman....and somehow think it's funny......enough said.)

                  And in other news.....

                   Roy Moore says he's bringing 'Alabama values' to Washington........which means all the shopping malls near Washington DC went on high alert.......'Toys R Us' immediately threw its metal gates across the entrance.....

                   Baby Orange inflames the Middle East......but not to worry, sleep easy. That seasoned, experienced, brilliant creator of Middle East Peace....the son-in-law.....will work it all out for us.

                   Kellyanne Conway claims Baby Orange has 'tremendous moral standards'.......the Mistress Of The Ministry Of Truth has spoken.....the Ayatollah of Alternative Facts set us straight....



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