Friday, March 29, 2024


Trump sells 'customized bibles for $60.00 a piece in another desperate ploy to raise cash to cover his legal fees....for the taping of Trump's commercial, special asbestos coatings were applied to the bible prevent him from bursting in flames every time he picked one up......

MSNBC execs change their minds about hiring GOP Trumpanzee-In-Chief Ronna McDaniel.......explaining in a press release....."....give us a break, will ya?  We'd had more than a few martinis after work, so hiring a sycophant toady liar seemed like a good idea at the kind of a sick joke, ya know?  Jeez, nobody has a sense of humor anymore....

Trump considers choices for his Vice President running mate.....
several potential candidates turned him down upon reading the fine print in the 'Vice Presidential Pre-nup' they'd need to sign....which call for a required lobotomy, castration and a short leash tied to Trump's desk at all times.....

RFK JR. announces his running mate for Vice President......the woman who paid the bill his Super Bowl ad.....and promises his supporters he'll forever ban vaccinations....."....we won't stop until every kid in American has a fair shot at contracting Polio, Typhoid, Bubonic Plague, Scurvy and COVID..."

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