Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 The Trail Of Lost Hearts by Tracey Garvis Graves (2024) 

        After reading a slew of domestic, psychological thrillers, this book provided just the kind of heartfelt, emotional read I needed.....to maybe renew the idea that there's good people in the world and that possibly there's hope for humanity after all.

        And also, I'm rendered powerless to resist a story of two terribly hurt damaged people who find solace, love and glimmers of happiness in each other's company........only to have circumstances and fresh turns of fate drive them apart.

      Wren and Marshall encounter each other on the hiking trails of National Parks in the Pacific Northwest. Wren's lost the man she loved dearly for three years - in the double catastrophes of his accidental death and traumatizing revelations about him. Marshall's own sudden, tragic loss of a beloved family member was so gut-wrenching, he can't bring himself to speak of it.

       Tentatively, they form a bond of friendship as they pursue their shared, adventurous devotion to 'geocaching'....a sort of outdoorsy scavenger hunt of using GPS tracking to uncover small objects hidden by their fellow geocachers.

       At this point, I hardly need to mention that Wren and Marshall's friendship grows into something much more. But obstacles, complications and a surprising turn of events are hurled into this couple's path........none of which you'll hear from me. The pure enjoyment of a story like this comes from a reader experiencing all the characters highs and lows as they occur......and as a reader you find yourself quietly cheering them on and then suffering along with them when their lives go awry.

      So here's a book unashamed and unafraid to deliver everything it promises.....all of those big impassioned, poignant and heartstring-pulling moments you'd expect to find when lost hearts come across each other. (And an especially nice change of pace if you need a break from those 'there's-something-strange-about-the-next-door-neighbors' thrillers......)

       5 stars (*****)    

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