Friday, March 15, 2024



The entire collectively groans and sighs in unison at the thought of another Trump-Biden Presidential election.....but on the positive side, at least twenty state elections commissions promise complimentary valium and vodka shots for voters who show up at the polls......

Trump hosts Hungarian strongman Orban, one of the many brutal, democracy-murdering dictators he so admires......a touching scene unfolded as the two men exchanged gifts before parting.....Orban presented Trump with a whipping post for use on journalists he'll imprison if elected.....Trump gifted Orban with a customized pair of Trump sneakers...(steel-capped for using on political prisoners.....)

GOP takes aim at its latest mortal enemy....Tik Tok....and further warns all tween and teen girls that dancing suggestively on Tik Tok videos will result in immediate house Matt Gaetz's house..


Trump contemplates his choice of running mates....Republican Party Chairperson Lara Trump, explained the vetting process....."all prospective VP candidates will attend a three week obedience school. There they'll learn basic commands...'fetch', 'sit up' 'beg for me', how to roll over for belly scratches, and if needed, 'bad VP! Bad!   Sen Linday Graham has agreed to fill in as trainer,,,,,,,,

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