Monday, March 4, 2024



First Lie Wins by Ashely Elston (2024)    While many readers and reviewers might've found varying degrees of quality in Reese Witherspoon's book club selections, this one's a winner for sure.

         I can only do a bare bones description of the plot here, since this is one of those books that takes you on a funhouse ride overloaded with jolting twists and extra helpings of not-who-they-seem-to-be characters. 

          Or in the immortal words of 'X Files' episodes, Trust No One. 

          As a girl who switches names and identities from place to place, she's currently Evie Porter, professional con girl extraordinaire. 

         But Evie's no freelance. She takes her marching orders and 'mission impossible' assignments from her shadowy, anonymous, unseen boss, "Mr. Smith". 

         Her missions, done at the behest of Mr. Smith's equally unknown clients - to ingratiate herself into the life of her targets. Objectives: either to collect damning evidence against them or swipe precious objects near and dear to them for some reason or another. 

         Clever, resourceful and keenly smart, Evie considers herself Smith's best 'operative'.......but that doesn't stop him from pulling the rug out from under her at any given moment, for reasons known only to him.       

          The twists and turns here arrive in flurries, with Evie forced to not only complete the undercover con she's working on, but engage in games of potentially lethal one-upsmanship with the infinitely duplicitous Smith. 

         So who's the cat and who's the mouse?  I wouldn't dare say a word. Just settle into your favorite reading corner for as much time possible and prepare to say, "What the...." multiple, multiple times.

        For thriller fans, "First Lie Wins" offers a 5 star package of surprises, hairpin reversals of fortune, and a lot of pondering as to who will play who in the movie. Move it to the top of your TBR list..... 5 stars (*****).

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