Monday, March 18, 2024


 Taylor Swift - The Eras Tour (Taylor's Version) (2023)

    Sat down along side BD (Beloved Daughter) to watch this 3 & 1/2 hour extended version of Swift's concert movie, now streaming on Disney +......

              BD never stopped singing along with Swift througout the entire running time....

             So did a giant stadium crowd packed with hundreds of thousands of devoted Swifties.......they're visiible in a few brief clips, but mostly exist as thousands of cell phone lights surrounding the musical love of their lives.......

              As a lover and collector of symphonic film scores, we're not qualified to discuss Swift's music......other than it's catchy, tuneful and presented with the kind of spectacular showmanship that Cecil B. DeMille, Steven Spielberg and Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus can only drool at with envy. 

             We can't help but bow down to Swift's reign as the Empress of Pop Music.......her tireless, prolific creativity and her staggeringly proficient self-promotion and mass marketing of herself leaves us in awe......

             And she sure as hell knows how to put on one hell of a live performance, filled with dazzling effects, choreography and the Swift-inator herself, literally reveling in her own persona.......

           Listening to her fans scream in rapturous delight, we realize she's the real Lion King........everything the light touches is hers. 

           No wonder she generates such fear and loathing from Donald Trump, the Trumpanzees, the QAnon Krazies and Republicans scraping off the last shreds of their sanity and morals........

           She's everything they despise and tremble at the sight of.....a powerful woman with progressive views who commands a vast fan base that Trump could only dream about as he spews his verbal diarreah to the dwindling crowds of MAGA zombies......

           We can only giggle hysterically at the thought of the ex Toddler-In-Chief sweating through his ten layers of orange varnish as he suffers through a nightmare of Swift publicly endorsing Biden.....

            Though we're not sure a Swift endorsement of Biden would finally drive the last nail through Count Fatula's coffin......

     couldn't hurt.

            Oh and the movie. Fun stuff and an eyepopping spectacle too.

             5 stars (*****)


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