Thursday, March 28, 2024


Irish Wish (2024-Netflix)       all hail Her Majesty of pseudo-Hallmark Netflix romcoms.....

          and who'd have thought it? Lindsay Lohan???

          You mean the former Disney-fied child star who grew into the tabloids' favorite dysfunctional diva?

           You bet your Parent Trap we do.....and why not. She's bubbly, cute, redheaded and when called upon, a comedienne as skilled at physical comedy as any popular romcom starlet.

            Not that there's too many of them around anymore. The genre's been in steep decline, only recently revived by the unlikely success of "Anyone But You" and its star Sydney Sweeney. 

           We've not much to say about the movie. It's produced by Brad Krevoy, who normally spends his time grinding out Hallmark romcoms faster than McDonald's slaps together Quarter Pounders. 

            Given extra Netflix bucks to play around with, "Irish Wish" benefits from being actually shot in the lush, gorgeous Irish countryside.......(though we suspect CGI artists dabbed an extra layer of green on the footage....)

            This one falls in that familiar Hallmark-ian sub-genre of "be careful what you wish for".  Lindsay tells the mischievous Irish fairy St. Brigid she wants the guy who's marrying her best friend.....

            Presto chango, she's now living the fantasy she longed for, except she realizes she not only doesn't love the guy, she's falling for the wedding photographer guy. 

           Oh my....oh my. How will this all end?

           Anyone who's sat through even a couple of Hallmark movies knows that's the silliest of questions. 

           Anyhoo, it's good to see La Lohan back in action and in fine comedic form. The movie, of course, is way, way below the talents she capable of, but for now, we'll take it. 

            It's lighter than air fluff and Lohan look likes she's enjoying herself while doing it.  So what's not to like?

            3 stars (***). 

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