Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Target: The Girl by Dorian Box (The Emily Calby Series, Book #3) (2021)     
We could barely wait to fill you in on this new thriller, the third in what's joined our list of  all-time favorite series.  So right away, know that you do NOT want to miss out on this one, a 5 star (*****) must read.....       

        Once again,we're floored, breathless, and sleep-deprived from racing through yet another harrowing and heartfelt adventure in the ever dangerous life of young Emily Calby.

         The survivor of a childhood forever altered by the horrific, senseless slaughter of her family, Emily has also endured and prevailed through an equally calamitous adolescence. If you've read the previous two books in this series, "The Hiding Girl" and "The Girl In Cell 49B", then you already know what we're referring to. If you haven't, you should dive into Emily's life ASAP, though "Target: The Girl" still functions well as a stand alone....(And for more info, check out our 4/22/21 review of "The Girl In Cell 49B" to see if that convinces you to dive into this exciting series ASAP....)

           This new book finds Emily now 20 years old and starting her first semester of law school. And she's still a fiercely independent force to be reckoned with and and if endangered by those who mean her harm, she'll become a take-no-prisoners, fairly merciless avenging angel.

            She's aided and sometimes scolded whenever necessary, by her always formidable mentor/father-figure guardian angel Lucas, a former gang member criminal. who's had her back since her childhood escape from psychotic murderers.

            And now she's facing two massive challenges..........taking on the grueling study load of a fledgling law student while dealing with a host of new and potentially lethal adversaries - sick, twisted stalkers who are either attracted or repulsed by her fame and notoriety (If that isn't enough on her plate, she also grapples with the task of trying to rescue her elderly curmudgeon law professor from a pair of evil con-artists....)

           What unfolds here is an infectiously entertaining mixture of that law-school movie "The Paper Chase" combined with a fearless, yet heart-breakingly vulnerable heroine who's every bit the equal of Lisabeth Salender from the 'Dragon Tattoo' books. As with Emily Calby's previous two stories, we zipped through the pages at light speed.

           It's never been easier for us to rate a book a 5 star FIND OF FINDS and the only downside to finishing this one is the anxiety of wondering how long we'll have to wait for the 4rth book in the series. It can't come soon enough .We would declare our undying affection for Emily, but  most definitely wouldn't want her to get the wrong idea and mistake us for a stalker......

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