Friday, December 3, 2021


             Because, as always.......the madness never ends......

Parents of school shooter charged with involuntary manslaughter.....and immediately flee.....oh my, what a surprise......uh....not.  Maybe around this time next year, the whole family can enjoy the holidays a least til baby boy, their monstrous larva of a son is returned to his hopefully lifelong solitary confinement......

Donald Trump revealed to have COVID-19 before he began the Presidential debate with Biden......this falls under the category of the non-shocking, un-surprise of the year......except to anyone who can't face the cold hard truth.....that Baby Orange was not only the worst U.S. President in American history, but the most rock-bottom, despicable human being ever to con his way into high office.  Think of this news as a sneak preview of the untold horrors that would await us if he were re-elected.

Donald Trump brags about the crowd size of the Jan. 6th rally he incited to overthrow democracy.....and we don't blame him one bit for the boasting. Never in the history of the United States has one individual assembled so many traitors, psychopaths, racists, Nazis, thugs and assorted brain dead imbeciles in one least not since Hitler's Nuremburg rallies...


Kayleigh McEnany promises  a 'merry-making Christmas party with Trump for $10,000 a ticket......we've heard this stellar affair also features Clorox cocktails to ward off COVID, and an advance galley copy of McEnany's upcoming memoir...."My favorite press conterence lies".....(reputed to be 987 pages and the first book in series.....)

             Forget these horrors and have a great weekend everyone!

Bret Kavanaugh and other conservative justices send out a special tweet to Senators who believed them when they said Roe Vs. Wade was settled law at their confirmation hearings......the message reads and we quote....."Suckerrrrrrrrsssssssss!!!!"

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