Friday, December 31, 2021



                 Another year bites the dust.......and to quote the Stephen Sondheim song from "Follies",.....we're still here.....(and sad that we can't say the same for Sondheim.....who isn't.anymore...)

                   Terrible, terrible things are still here too, helping to make the year hell on earth......

                   Covid, Donald Trump, Anti-Vaxxers.......(but at least the latter do the world a great favor with their unceasing efforts to contract the virus and die as fast they can.....)

                    And to top it all off to make the year's final day extra miserable.....Betty White passed at age 99. A woman who lived every day as if she was in the prime of her life. The only way to live. 

                     2022 looms ever closer......and every day brings news of a host of traitors, idiots, and assorted truth-denying lovers of authoritarianism chipping away at American democracy like a horde of termites surrounding a wooden structure.

                     Or as they're more commonly known.....the GOP. 

                     So here's some resolutions we made simply to cheer ourselves up......

                     Read more books......because we realized we took more pleasurable entertainment from books this past year than any of the films we saw......

                      Stop watching all Cable TV news channel pundits.......because after all these years of everyone at each other's throats, we've now heard every pundit's blah-blah-blah a thousand times over......everyone's preaching to the choir and we're sick of the noise.....

                      Stop reading anything about woke-a-maniacs jumping on Twitter to take offense at some celebrity who offended their delicate sensibilities........Memo to the Twitter-verse : Why don't you all shut the **** up and read a book.

                       Most of all......laugh, smile, use kindness and courtesy in everyday know, like people use to do before the cancer of Trump poisoned public discourse and public behavior. 

                        And happy, happy and healthy new year to all BQ visitors......see you in '22!

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