Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Midnight In The Switchgrass (2021)    We'd rather not dwell on this one too's sad and depressing to waste any valuable time discussing it at length......

              A slapped together collection of  scenes and tropes left over from dozens of serial killer movies, it features yet another lifeless, half asleep, pick-up-my-paycheck appearance from Bruce Willis.......

               The time when Willis once sat atop the very peak of the Hollywood A-List now seems like a million years ago. These days, he's reduced to showing up in direct-to-video sludge......and his films, like those of Nicolas Cage and Steven Seagal, sit piled up in the Wal-Mart 3.99 bin.......where they so deservedly belong.

                If you're absolutely aching for a story in which a fierce, take-no-prisoners female cop takes on a serial killer, you'd be much better off catching up with old episodes of the ABC series "Big Sky"......(which features better actors and the added benefit of including a host of other creepy, vile villains as well.....)

                But if you can't resist subjecting yourself to this negligible little movie, a few pleasures, guilty or otherwise do pop up here and there.

                 That normally dead-eyed bimbo Megan Fox gives, believe it or not, does something approaching actual acting as she plays an FBI agent obsessed with nabbing a serial rapist-torturer-murderer. Is is possible there's the making of a real actress underneath all that mascara and vacant stares?  Who knows......maybe time will tell.

                 Willis glumly lumbers through the first half of the film, then drops out of sight for the rest of if both he and the filmmakers simultaneously realized his presence was a waste of time.....(which pretty much sums up the current state of his career.....)

                 But the other two lead players acquit themselves well enough.......Emile Hirsch as an empathetic state police detective haunted by his traumatic visits to deliver terrible news to the relatives of the killer's victims........and as the scary psycho masquerading as a loving family man,  the forever baby-faced Lukas Haas certainly steps up to the plate with some chilling work. 

                  None of those positive factors ever add up to making "Midnight In the Switchgrass" worth your while. For hardcore thriller fans........but only if you absolutely, positively cannot find anything better to watch. 1 star (*).

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