Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Did I Say You Could Go by Melanie Gideon (2021)......follows those two essential elements we required of psychological thriller novels.....(covered in our post on "My Sweet Girl" on 12/9/21...

             A fast breakneck pace? Check.

             Multiple twists that  turn progressively sicker and crazier?  Check.  (this also includes the extra zinger thrown in on the last page.....)

              So we have two moms and their teen daughters, friends since the two kids were in kindergarten together. 

               Mommy Ruth, a raging, all-controlling divorcee living on vast inherited family wealth, torments and verbally abuses her daughter Marley, who's insecure and chronically overweight.....

               Mommy Gemma's a widow struggling to make a living at prepping students for their SATs and her daughter Bee's a vivacious live wire who's always the most popular 

                Mommy Ruth, monster that she is, craves Gemma's friendship with obsessive mania.......and there's nothing she won't do to insure Gemma's joined at the hip with her......(and this starts to go way, way beyond just lending Gemma money and buying her a car.....

                 What could possibly go wrong.......heh, heh, heh.........

                 Even with its zippy pace, the book takes the time to indelibly paint a vivid and sometimes disturbing picture of the ups and downs and give and take between between mothers and their teen daughters.....

                 When the twists start to pop, you might begin to think you could easily spot one of the really big ones ahead of time......

                 Uh uh......you'll be wrong, just keep reading.

                 For anyone who can never get enough dysfunctional families heading for a crash of epic proportions, here's another fun read. 4 stars (****)


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