Friday, December 17, 2021


               Fasten your seatbelts and adjust your comes another week of insanity......

The Attempted Trump-Coup......Where do we even begin here.......with the new onslaught of revelations, is there any sane, rational human who doesn't yet realize that Baby Orange tried to overthrow U.S. democracy and declare himself the permanent Supreme Leader of the Kingdom Of Trumpsyvania?  Anyone?  Anyone?

The Fox News Clown pathetic, how darkly hilarious......the reveal that the network's resident idiots, Hannity and Ingraham, sent desperate texts to Baby Orange, pleading with him to call off his rabid dog army of MAGA morons on Jan. 6th.......then, true to their hypocrite roots, returned to parroting the usual downplaying of the insurrection.......which tells you all you need to know about them...

Donald Trump Jr........and joining the Fox Kool-Aid drinkers, even this brainless Trump larva developed enough brain cells to text Daddykins to please, please call off the slobbering gibbering Jan. 6 mob.

Baby Orange watches his 'The Insurrection' show on he's too enraptured taking in all  the violent evil he's unleashed to pay attention to any texts begging him to put a stop to it........even as his nightmarish minions scream to put a rope around Mike Pence's head......and once again proving to the the country and the entire world that there's no bottom to the levels of his malignancy and cowardice......and never has been.  He's got nowhere to go but down.......and never disappoints in his ability to descend ever lower.......

Baby Orange proudly declares victory in his demented fantasy of  'The War On Christmas'.......and furthermore makes 2024 post election plans to use crop-dusting planes to spray bleach on Covid afflicted areas and drop grenades on windmills.......

Baby Orange spews the old "Jews control everything" bullshit in his latest loony rant......but he reassured his son-in--law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka that he'll exempt them and their kids from his list of Jews scheduled to be shipped off to 're-education' camps after he's re-elected.......

COVID deaths reach 800,000 as the unvaccinated fill up the ICU beds to the breaking point.....Memo to the anti-vaxxers now dropping like flies as heroic doctors and nurses work around the clock to save their worthless, miserable lives........

             Dear Un-vaccinated:

              With the onslaught of the Delta and Omicron variants and your steadfast refusal to protect yourselves, your families and anyone you come near from horrible deaths, congratulations to you.....

               Your allegiance to the avalanche of lies perpetuated by Trump, MAGA-world, Fox News and a host of Trumpanzee minions has lengthened and strengthened the pandemic and continues to make life a living hell for all of us......

               Some time ago, we did feel a measure of concerned sympathy for you.....including the poignant 'I see the light now'  entreaties made  by some of you as you lay dying on ICU beds......we hoped and prayed those gasping warnings would resonate with your fellow non-vaxxed and win them over.....

               It didn't.  Those "Oh shit, I'd wish I'd gotten the shot" numbnuts died in vain and their pleas for the rest of you to vaccinate went unheeded, ignored. 

               And we're now long past caring about the rest of you anti-vaxxers......

               Since you're too stupid to live, we say.....have at it. Live free. Die hard. Fill up those morgues like there's no tomorrow.....cause for you, there won't be......and most insanely, you wouldn't have it any other way.......

               The upside for the rest of us......a vast amount of you won't be around to vote in 2024 to try to put your messiah Trump back on his throne.  You'll be way too busy......... pushing up daisies, taking your forever dirt naps......

                So bye bye, farewell, best of luck in the afterlife should you encounter one......if your loved ones afford you an open casket viewing, don't forget to ask them to position your MAGA red hat clutched to your chest......Godspeed.

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