Friday, December 24, 2021


              Sorry to report that madness never takes off for the holidays.......

Baby Orange's Trumpanzees boo and jeer him for daring to recommend they get vaccinated...... We don't know how to react to this.......cackle with hysterical laughter?  Shake our head, bowed in resigned sadness?  Maybe both? 

             The irony here staggers the imagination.  As startled and surprised as he was by his own coronation as the most unfit U.S. President in history, he must find himself even more stunned by this truly insane turn of events......

               But in a way, his brainless MAGA-morons turning on him is a glowing tribute to his unholy,, satanic skill as a con-artist.........he trained them so well in spoon feeding them  his never ending stream of outright lies, misinformation and bullshit that he managed to wipe their minds clear of all rational thought......even the basic human instinct of self-preservation. 

                So they now boo him for daring to interfere with their 'personal liberty' and God-given right to decline vaccinations, infect themselves with COVID and die gasping for breath in ICU's already overcrowded with their fellow death-cultists. 

                 We can't even begin to comprehend this........the situation speaks for itself.......

                .......and leads us to this next episode of lunacy.......

Anti-Vaxx COVID-infected Trumpanzees torment and threaten exhausted medical personnel trying to save their lives in ICUs......We always knew Baby Orange himself could sink to infinite depths of cruelty, stupidity and corruption.....and now it appears his zombie-fied minions want to race him to the bottom.....screaming at heroic doctors and nurses to treat them with all of the unproven so-called "cures" they've heard about on Fox News, Facebook and QAnon, even to the point of death threats. 

            We previously expressed our opinion of these slugs in last week's Weekend Madness Wrap-Up.......they can't die fast enough for us. And in dropping dead before getting the chance to vote for Trump again in 2024, they'll do us a great service in preserving American being 6 feet under come election day. 

             Our valiant doctors and nurses will of course do everything in their power to save them because that's who they are and why we'll all stay forever in their debt......a concept that Trumpanzees will never wrap their miniscule minds around........

Joe Manchin claims 'Build Back Better' recipients would use child tax credits to buy drugs and will vote 'NO' on the bill........but assures his West Virginia Coal industry workers desperate for infrastructure funds that even if they stay unemployed as they die of Black Lung disease, he's kept their kids drug-free.........

                Now we'll take a much needed break from the madness to wish all BQ visitors a wonderful, healthy and happy holiday to the world and all that good stuff......see you all after the weekend!

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